Presenter Bio

Prof Andrew Bosch

Professor Andrew Bosch is an Exercise Scientist based at the University of Cape Town and Sports Science Institute of South Africa, lecturing on exercise physiology and sports nutrition and conducting and supervising research on these topics.

An NRF-rated scientist, Professor Bosch has published over 90 peer reviewed scientific manuscripts in the field of exercise performance and sports nutrition in international journals, written a number of book chapters on these topics, presented at national and international scientific conferences and serves on the editorial boards of international exercise & sports medicine journals.

Professor Bosch is the Chair of the American College of Sports Medicine Endurance Athlete Science & Medicine Interest Group, is Co-Chair of the International Sub 2hrs Marathon Project and serves on the committee of the International Association of Ultra-Running Scientific Commission and the South African Institute for Drug-Free Sport.

Once a competitive national level athlete with a marathon best time of 2hrs 21mins, Professor Bosch still runs recreationally, managing about 100km per week when not injured. He now enjoys combining his academic expertise with his past running experience to coach a number of distance runners, from beginner to Olympic level.