Presenter Bio

Mrs Helene Simpson

Helene is a physiotherapist with international renown in the assessment and treatment of foot and ankle pathologies. After graduating with a BSc Physiotherapy degree from the University of Free State in 1984, Helene then completed a BSc Med (Hons) in Sports Science at UCT in 1990. From there Helene became the Chief Physiotherapist at the UCT Sports Injuries Centre, subsequently taking over the ownership of the practice from 1997. In addition to her clinical work, Helene has lectured at both undergraduate and postgraduate level for many years, usually in the area of neuromusculoskeletal physiotherapy, particularly pertaining to the ankle and foot.

Helene obtained her MSc Physiotherapy Degree from the University of Stellenbosch in 2013. Her thesis was about the evidence-based guidelines in the management of acute ankle sprains, and how clinicians in the Western Cape compared to these best practice guidelines. She has also presented at numerous international and local conferences, in addition to having authored numerous academic articles and being a contributor to the book, Quick questions in Ankle Sprains. Expert Advice in Sports Medicine.