(5 Ratings)

Current Practices in Musculoskeletal Injury Management

By Brett Phillips Categories: Webinar
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About Course

In this webinar, musculoskeletal physiotherapist, Brett Phillips, outlines the current trends in musculoskeletal injury management.

Over the last 10-15 years, there has been a distinct shift in treatment focus from a passive or manual therapy-based treatment approach, to a more active, rehabilitation-focused approach. Brett will discuss this shift in treatment focus, the evidence that drove this shift, and what roles passive and active treatment approaches currently play in the clinical management of musculoskeletal disorders.

What Will You Learn?

  • How treatment focuses in musculoskeletal injury management have changed over the last 10-15 years
  • Shift in passive to active treatment focuses
  • Functional impact schematic for acute injury and current management practices
  • Functional impact schematic for overuse injury and current management practices

Course Content

Live Webinar
Live webinar, titled Current Trends in Musculoskeletal Injury Management, presented by Brett Phillips.

  • Current Practices in Musculoskeletal Injury Management

Course Assessment
Please complete this course assessment MCQ to be eligible for your CEU point allocation.

Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 5 Ratings
4 Ratings
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11 months ago
1 year ago
1 year ago
Very interesting to discuss the changing trends. Really loved the information on the overuse injuries
1 year ago
Up to date and relevant information received during webinar and carried over in a clear and concise presentation by Brett
1 year ago
Very informative and good evidence base