About Us

EduPro Health is a new, innovative CPD service provider that aims to provide physiotherapists with affordable, relevant and accessible CPD solutions.

Brett Phillips

Chief Executive Officer

Anne-Catryn Oldenburg

Chief Operations Officer

Our Story

By bringing you fresh, contemporary and motivated course presenters, and providing content that is applicable, evidence-based and relevant, we aim to up-skill and develop physiotherapists in South Africa. Clinical professional development is primarily for the improvement of clinical competency.

By providing excellent clinical content, we aim to improve the clinical competency of South African physiotherapists in order to help achieve our overall function as healthcare practitioners, which is a better standard of healthcare for our patients.

Key tenets of our business

Our Presenters

Mrs Helene Simpson

Helene is a physiotherapist with international renown in the assessment and treatment of foot and ankle pathologies. After graduating with a BSc Physiotherapy degree from the University of Free State in 1984, Helene then completed a BSc Med (Hons) in Sports Science at UCT in 1990. From there Helene became the Chief Physiotherapist at the UCT Sports Injuries Centre, subsequently taking over the ownership of the practice from 1997.

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Ms Hester van Aswegen

Hester van Aswegen is a physiotherapist with a special interest in pelvic floor dysfunction and pelvic health.

She graduated from Pretoria University in 1987 and has been in private practice since 1991.

She is currently working in Johannesburg at various premises (Roodepoort, Douglasdale and Wits Donald Gordon medical centre) where her main patient load is patients with pelvic problems. This includes women and men and all types of pelvic related conditions – urinary and faecal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, anorectal dysfunction and constipation, all types of pelvic pain, sexual dysfunction as well as ante and post-natal patients .

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